2021 Letter

We set up the CDO Hub to act as a personal growth accelerator for senior data leaders. A space where peers can have open and honest dialogue about the challenges, and evolving role, of the Chief Data Officer.

Community Led

We work hard to make it informal: no egos, no pretence, no shiny and polished stories, and focus on intimate, real-life, community led discussions. This is true peer to peer learning where the whole is so much greater than the sum of its parts. Together we are setting the standard of what world class data leadership looks like and the value it can deliver.

Member Feedback

We’ve had an average rating of 4.79 / 5 for meet ups in 2021 and some really positive comments such as

Great session all round with excellent content, never seen the chat so reactive to the presentation before! The debate in room 3 was phenomenal, which goes to show what happens when you ask the right questions for debate!”

“Like-minded curious data professionals who want to help each other, no sales.”

“The monthly dose of data therapy, The best crowd, the best themes and the best thinking”.

We really couldn’t ask for much more that this.

Worldwide Data Leaders

The 24 meet ups ,and nearly 40 hours of in person learning through 2021, have been open to the now 250 members worldwide (including UK, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, United States, Dominican Republic, Belgium, Russia, India and UAE). We’ve covered so many topics, such as creating caring and compassionate teams, culture, understanding and dealing with imposter syndrome, story-telling, data strategy, data literacy, dealing with change, data strategy, and many more important discussions about being in data and in leadership.

Thanks to all those members, and wider industry friends, who stepped up to co-host and lead these significant discussions.


Remaining online for the year has been a blessing for many of you who are unable to travel to physical locations we may use. I also understand it’s not ideal for many others who prefer not to spend additional time online after a day of online meetings. This has been the biggest challenge for us – not being able to have a mechanism that works for everyone.

In 2022 (COVID situation allowing), we’ll make way for both modes and will add in-person meet ups back to the agenda in London (likely to be March, June, Sept and December), alongside the online meet ups that have been running since early 2020.


More than anything else though it’s important to us that we make an impact. An impact on your careers, an impact on your ideas, an impact on the outcomes that you can deliver and the impact we can all have on creating positive outcomes. In December of this year we launched our new initiative: IMPACT,  focused on delivering positive change through the collective brilliance of this wonderful data leadership community. Primarily this is focused on providing support and help to purpose led and impactful projects, charities and initiatives.

Learn more about IMPACT and how you can get involved.

Thank you

We have absolutely loved seeing this community grow, flourish and the level of engagement you all give it. We cant wait to see more collaboration across you all, more opportunity to learn and grow together and having more of an impact than ever before.

Wishing you all the best for the festive season and a happy new year.

With thanks



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Press Release

Cynozure research calls for stronger data leadership in US financial firms to unlock data benefits

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A CLEAR™ Path: How to Foster a Robust Data Culture by Leveraging Concepts from Industrial and Organizational Psychology

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On-Demand WebinarVideo

Outsmarting the Bots on demand: A practical application of machine learning

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