
Everyone knows that data holds value. More organisations are beginning to deploy their data than ever before. The challenge comes in monetising this data value – and knowing how to get it right.

Learn how to gain value from your data, and showcase this value across the business. In turn, this will keep your business ahead of the curve.
data value

90% of all the data in the world was created in just the last two years, but monetising and deploying this data is a challenge shared by many leaders.

Many organisations want to gain value from data use in their operations. Indeed, as data becomes more embedded in business, it’s essential to make the most of this valuable resource.

What do Amazon, Google, Netflix and Spotify have in common? Not only are they some of the most successful organisations in the world, but the secret to their success is in plain sight: their data.

They showcase the amazing benefits available to all organisations who unlock their data value. In doing this, they have disrupted entire industries, re-written the status-quo and become the most lucrative and innovative companies of our time. But this isn’t something reserved for the tech giants.

Data Value Frameworks

Senior-level buy-in is crucial to the success of your data strategy. It’s vital to consider what they value, and what challenges they face. If you can link the use of data to their everyday goals and battles, they will be more inclined to get on-board. This applies both to your data strategy, and to recognise the benefits that data contributes to the organisation.

This white paper will show you how it’s achievable within your organisation too. We outline an effective framework for monetising data, and help you address some of the challenges that organisation leaders face.

We also cover the challenge of culture and embedding data. The cultural hurdle: how to transition the people within your organisation to embrace data.

Download the white paper

Interested in Data Value and Monetisation? Our 'Unlocking Data Value' white paper explains how to identify specific business value in your data, monetise this resource, and embed it across the organisation.

Download the White Paper


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Press Release

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