Data Driven

48% of consumers spend more when their shopping experience is personalised. A marketing analytics strategy can help you connect with customers, and deliver better campaigns than ever before.

Read our white paper on marketing analytics strategies to see how data can connect you with your customers.

marketing analytics strategy

Data is changing the playing field for marketers. A marketing analytics strategy is key to connect with your customers.

Many retailers aim to have a strong handle on the rapid evolution of how customers engage, purchase and make their buying decisions. As such, analysis of the data associated with purchases and engagements is hugely valuable to marketers.

There is a wealth of data constantly streaming in from customers. This provides the opportunity to get the right messages in front of the right people before, during – and after – a purchase or engagement. With a marketing analytics strategy, you can segment and target the right type of customer, elevating your campaigns with better insights.

It’s all very well being able to store and analyse this data. But it becomes really worthwhile when you can extract insight and true value from the vast sets of data. The ability to track everything at a very granular level. To find nuggets of information amongst it – that’s where the hype becomes a reality.

Analytics Marketing Strategy

For data to have a transformative impact across the organisation, get every relevant department involved. Consult with your fellow C-Suite leaders on their pressing business questions and use cases. Visit different departments to understand their ambitions and challenges. Then find a way for data to help them.

It’s a powerful way to prove data’s worth from the very start.

When the results of that insight are plugged into the operations of the business, in real-time, it truly becomes a data-driven business; not just one that looks at metrics and reacts accordingly.


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Press Release

Cynozure research calls for stronger data leadership in US financial firms to unlock data benefits

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A CLEAR™ Path: How to Foster a Robust Data Culture by Leveraging Concepts from Industrial and Organizational Psychology

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On-Demand WebinarVideo

Outsmarting the Bots on demand: A practical application of machine learning

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