Organisational Design

Move from a rigid, to a cross-functional organisational structure for your data and analytics strategy.

Traditional organisational structures can have rigid roles and responsibilities, boundaries around what teams can and can’t get involved with, and put people and skills or teams in pigeon-holes. This hinders your ability to create an adaptable, agile and business outcome focused data strategy.

To build an organisation that is completely aligned to your end goals requires a change in mindset. A change that looks to increase cooperation and collaboration within and across teams, redefining what a ‘team’ is and focusing on what really matters.

Jason Foster explores how you switch from rigid to cross functional teams, the benefit that delivers and how you manage this within traditional organisational structures.

This session will give you an understanding on:

  • Accelerated change through better organisational design
  • Increasing co-operation and collaboration
  • The data and analytics skills needed for success
  • The need for cross functional, outcome focussed teams
  • Practical options for how best to structure your team
  • The case for a strong operating model to govern and enhance what you do
  • The path to change

View the Organisational Design Webinar

Written by Jason Foster


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