
In the course of putting together our predictions on what we reckon we will see in the data and analytics space in 2018, we also got to thinking: what a year 2017 has been.

First and foremost, the Cynozure crew has been lucky enough to work with some amazing people and customers. We’ve been building a data and insights platform at Kondor to support their consumer electronics product development and distribution activities. We’ve been working with the Really Useful group on better understanding their audience and getting GDPR ready. At The National Trust we’re helping to create a single view of their supporters, and at Tungsten Network shaping a data strategy around their core platforms. We tend not to focus on our unique selling point but rather focus on making our customers unique – this has been a bedrock of our customer work.

We had the chance to take part in some great events this year and have loved the opportunity to talk about the journey organisations need to go on to become data driven – focused around our 5 stages needed to make the journey a success, we’ve had some fascinating discussions with organisations looking to make the right decisions and add value.

Every MeetUp, seminar, webinar and conference has been exciting, but we especially loved hosting the Consultancy Lounge at BigDataLDN. Nothing beats sitting down to have a chat about analytics, data – and how to get the best out of it! As well as meeting new people and discussing their opportunities, it’s always good to see people we know out and about, and have the chance to have a catch up.

Cementing our partnership with some pretty cool companies has been pretty fun this year too. From summer drinks by the river with Dataiku, mulled wine at the Cloudera Sessions and everything in between, we are feeling pretty happy to get to work with such awesome companies.

Towards the end of the year, we also got going with a project we’ve been quietly working on all year: the CDO Hub. We are REALLY excited to be working with some seriously good data leaders on this, as well as our friends at Eden Smith. 2018 is going to be the year of the Chief Data Officer – you heard it here first!

Big thanks to everyone that is on this journey with us, it’s been an awesome year, and we can’t wait to see what 2018 brings.


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Press Release

Cynozure research calls for stronger data leadership in US financial firms to unlock data benefits

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A CLEAR™ Path: How to Foster a Robust Data Culture by Leveraging Concepts from Industrial and Organizational Psychology

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On-Demand WebinarVideo

Outsmarting the Bots on demand: A practical application of machine learning

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