Use Cases

Use Cases – The Super Power to Your Data Strategy

In order to create and organisation that is guided by data, it’s imperative that your strategy is focused on business outcomes. This is so that you can be clear about what you are trying to achieve,  and do things that benefit the business.

Use cases help to give you that focus on business outcomes from both a macro strategy and micro data product development perspective. They help to give the direction and requirements for solutions to build, technology to put in place and most importantly the basis for your business case.

In this webinar, Jason Foster discusses how to keep your data strategy aligned to business outcomes through the definition of use cases and how to value your data and analytics initiative.

Topics that Jason covers include how to:

  • Understand the business strategy in context of data
  • Why put a value on data and analytics?
  • Move from bottom up to top down thinking
  • Align everything you do to business benefits
  • Understand and make us of use-cases
  • Define business questions
  • Get alignment from business strategy to data products

View the Use Cases Webinar

Written by Jason Foster


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